Google Wallet is a peer-to-peer payments service developed by Google that allows people to send and receive money from a mobile device or desktop computer at no cost to either sender or receiver. When set up, a Google Wallet account must be linked to an existing debit card or bank account in the United States. Google Wallet can be used through the Google Wallet app, Gmail and the Google Wallet Card. It is possible to pay with Google Wallet at the shops listed below:
Browse our book retailers to find the perfect novel, magazine, or cookbook. Books are available on every subject imaginable, including academic textbooks, comic books, history, non fiction, fiction, health, and religion. Children's books and arts and craft projects offered as well. For a reader on the go, audio books are available. Tech savvy readers can utilize Nook, Kindle and other electronic readers and tablets. Soft reads are sold including romance novels, mystery and crime stories, and sci-fi novels. Business books and self help books are sold as well.